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Branch Hardship Fund

The hardship fund is a pot of money that the branch collects to help our members financially when we take industrial action, if they face financial hardship through taking that action. The Hardship Fund has a committee made up of reps who meet separately from the BEC to discuss the applications and make decisions.

This money is made up solely of donations, usually from our own members though sometimes from solidarity donations from other unions.

Therefore we would ask all that can to either donate to the hardship fund, or set up a standing order of whatever you can afford using the forms below or by direct electronic baking funds transfer to :- Sort code 56-00-09, Account number 22371214.

Branch Hardship Standing Order – please hand this in to your bank.

One-Off Donation Form– please hand this in to your bank.

If you would like to apply to the branch hardship fund, you must be a member of our branch.

For an application form please contact Clare Goonan or Ian Furness.


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